Thursday, September 24, 2015

Miso hungry

Yes I am losing weight slowly (127 at wake) and yes I am starving myself. No not really, but I definitely can't eat the same things and I was eating and expect the scale to budge. Exercise or not,  I know that my way is contingent upon what I put in my mouth. 

How about I tell you what I'm eating and then later I'll tell you all the things I'm not?  I know. I know. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it's not for me. I've learned that I have to do what is right for my body not necessarily what the magazine says is good for everyone.  Therefore I skip breakfast, every day. I might need a nibble of a piece of bacon or a leftover bite of egg 🍳 but I basically start my day on an empty stomach and I like it that way. 

Coffee with truvia (I know it's an artificial sweetener. Shut up! It's the only sweetness I'm allowed right now!). 

Christine's Magical Miso! 🍲 Chickpea based miso soup with a scoop of green powder (or wheatgrass juice or algae juice or a fistful of fresh spinach) and a healthy dose of the righteous dose of Sriracha. 
I inevitably end up eating a couple tortilla chips. They are my crack addiction but I usually curb it with some salty Korean seaweed and a good crunchy apple. 

Well I'll be honest. This is where the wheels fall off most of the time. I try to stick to a salad with some tofu or chickpeas or black beans. Depending on whether or not I've downed to a protein shake, I may actually spread some hemp   Seed powder on my salad or mix it with the dressing. 
I have a personal ban against pictures of food but this one seems pretty benign. And it is proof that you can buy cheap organic food!  Bon appétit. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


If I'm going to shoot it to you straight here losing the last ten is hard work. I never wanted to believe that as I aged past 40 it would be difficult. But it is. It's nothing to be afraid of. Knowledge is power, right?  You just have to work twice as hard and it's actually kind of liberating when you do.  

So for now, I'm doing two-a-days and really cleaning up my diet.  You can't out run a bad diet but I'm an impatient gal and I want to lose these extra pounds now!  So instead of a shower and lemonade after class-I lace 'em up and hit the pavement. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Losing weight is exhausting

Today I managed to hit sweat equity followed by a 40 minute session on the stair climber. I rounded off my sweat fest with 25 minutes in the sauna. I want to clock I was zonked!  

Dealing with mice crazy sexy diet and the little voices in my head was more than I can handle today. I had 2 cups of my miso concoction 👼🏻 followed by a half a bag of Trader Joe's crack. 👹 

I'm preparing a yummy salad for tomorrow.  A little bit of wine and a good night sleep!